The Second Activity of English Club
发布时间:2014年3月31日      阅读:2368

--The Application of Knowledge and Ability

On March 19, 2014, 20 members from The English club of Computer Science and Technology Department of Chengdu Neusoft University held the second activity in the western restaurant.

Firstly, members were divided into 4 groups to talk about the news in focus. The organizer joined these activities to discuss and provide some topics. Members improved their spoken English and the interests of English.

Then, students in group expressed their idea and talked with others for improving the enthusiasm of speaking English.

Finally, they ended this activity by taking a picture together.

In the future, we hope that more and more students can join in the English club to speak English. What’s more, the English club will hold more and more activities to provide an environment for practicing the English very well.


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